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I was born in Lower Merion PA in 1959. In elementary and primary school I hated Gym and loved Art, and, according to many report cards; "did not work up to his potential".
As a college undergraduate, I was nearly kicked out of The Philadelphia College of Art for creating a huge, unauthorized installation in an empty building on campus. Soon after this I transferred to The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, which I liked, but they wanted me to pay for it, and it just didn't seem worth going into debt for, so I dropped out.
Dropping out of art school and turning my back on the Art World, I've spent most of my adult life working and playing in Philadelphia's lively anarchist community; figuring out how to use my creativity to help in the struggle for a better, more just world.
Supporting myself since the late '80s as an independent artist, I have produced posters, cartoons, stickers, t-shirts, zines, books, videos, and Websites that have been distributed widely and freely throughout the world.
My sculptural, electronic, and 2D investigations of corporate-personhood have been shown on the streets and in galleries in the US, the UK and Canada, and in Philadelphia, but my cynical decision to sell out the ideals of my youth and make big bucks in the Art World has so far been a spectacular failure.
Philadelphia College of Art 1976-78
School of the Art institute of Chicago 1978-79
and then I dropped out.
EXHIBITIONS (*solo shows):
* "How To Get
Disincorporated", Compost Space, Philadelphia PA, 2001.
"Snapshot" Arcadia University Art Gallery, Glenside, PA, 2001.
"Art is Activism" Fine Arts Building Gallery, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2002.
"Illegal Art Show" Nexus Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, 2003.
* "Solosexual" Aphrodite Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, 2004.
* "Corpo-racial:Corpo-racist" Space 1026, Philadelphia, PA, 2004.
"Art & Community IX - Urban Life" Esther Klein Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, Sept.-Oct. 2005.
"Pay to Play" Black Floor Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, Aug. 2006.
* "WAL*ART" Human Rights Pavilion, Victoria, British Columbia, 2006.
"L'art + Anarchie" Esplanade Metro Parc, Montreal, Quebec, 2007.
*"DisInCorporation" Festival of Anarchy, Victoria, British Columbia, 2008.
"Philly (Heart) Design" The Rotunda, Philadelphia, PA, 2008.
"The Salon Of Love And Horror" Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, VT 2009.
"Replanting The Garden" Big Car Gallery, Indianapolis, IN 2010.
"Popular Sodomy" zine, Nocturnal Editions, Philadelphia PA, 1991.
"Advertisers Anonymous" Website, www.adanon.org 1998/ongoing.
"Disincorporated" Website, disincorporated.org 2001/ongoing.
"Museum Of Corporate Welfare" Website, www.disneyhole.org2002.
"Philadelphia Industrial Redevelopment Authority" Website,
www.pirasite.org 2002/ongoing.
"theanti-drug" Website, www.theanti-drug.com 2002/ongoing.
"ArtJail" Website and multi-media www.artjail.org 2007.
2006 Pennsylvania Council on the Arts fellowship.
Guest artist/panelist: 2006 Victoria International Arts Symposium, Victoria BC, Canada.
2007 Puffin Foundation grant.
2010 Golden Rule Foundation grant.
Patrick Rapa, "Fight this corporation" Philadelphia City Paper
Alan Antliff, "Art/Politics/Subterfuge" Mix Magazine, Spring
Albo Jeavons, "Save the Hole!" Philadelphia City Paper, 7/18/02.
Katie Haegele, "Grumpy, Dopey, Empty and Ugly" Philadelphia
Weekly, 08/14/02.
Eils Lotozo, "8th and Market: the hole story" Philadelphia Inquirer,
Daniel Brook, "A new D-Hole" Philadelphia City Paper, 8/15/02.
Eils Lotozo, "These plans are simply fantastic, on the hole"
Philadelphia Inquirer, 8/23/.02.
Leila Ely, "Down The Hole" Philadelphia Weekly, 10/02/02.
Editors, "Whither 8th and Market?" Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine,
Kris Wilton, "Back to the Future" Philadelphia Weekly, 1/08/03.
Bruce Schimmel, "Radical Body Politics" Philadelphia City Paper,
Roberta Fallon, "Here Comes the Bribe" Philadelphia Weekly,
Stefan Tiron, "Despre Corporatii Si Despre Persoana Corporata " Bucharest, Romania, Omagiu Magazine, #4 2006.
"Art Jail" Stuttgart, Germany, Junk Jet Magazine #3, 2010.
interview: "Save The Disneyhole" WHYY Radio, Philadelphia PA
interview: "Fake Diesel Store" Australian Broadcasting Corporation/Triple
J "The Morning Show" 11/05/2003.
interview: "Albo and the DisneyHole" Australian Broadcasting
Corporation/Radio National "The Morning Show" 12/03/2003.
Interview, 48 Update, WXTW Television, Philadelphia PA, 2004.
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